I love programs that teach or reinforce skills we teach our students. IXL is exactly that. The program goes a step further, and allows the parent, tutor or teacher to follow what skills the student is working on, their strengths, their weaknesses and how much time they spend working on them. The program includes math, Read More
Category: FOR TEENS
Math (How To) from numbers to Trig
These educator breaks down every element of math and how to apply each from natural numbers to trigonometry. Check out these videos and learn or brush up on your math skills! Once you bring this video up, look for the specific need you have and click on play. The videos are fun, memorable and deconstructs Read More
10 Things You’re Not Told About College
From the time we start kindergarten, we’re told education is king. I’m not debunking that fact, but you ought to do your research before you build your hopes and dreams of a perfect future on college. The Hollywood version of college doesn’t exist. Here are 10 things you might not know: Should you go to Read More
Paying for College Before You Go!
With consistent, hard work and starting early, you can find ways to acquire your college education for free or minimal costs. Grants vs. Scholarships A Grant is a gift of money that does not have to be paid back. Grants can be found: * Organizations * Online * Where your parents’ work Read More
Preparing Our Teens to Exit
One of the hardest things about the teen years is coming to grips with the reality is that if we’re doing our guiding correctly, we will soon be out of a job in their lives; not as early as they want us to be, but soon. It’s painfully vital we measure the time left Read More
List of Bible Verses
Psalms 32:8 (CEB) I will instruct you and teach you about the direction you should go. I’ll advise you and keep my eye on you. When you’re scared: Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with Read More
Emotions or Wisdom: Whose running the show?
How we react to difficult situations, demonstrates our commitment and our desire to mature in the Lord. If emotions rule decisions and the tongue, we prove we’re operating in the flesh. Jesus experienced 39 human emotions during his ministry. We all experience emotions but they should not be the guiding force in our lives, our Read More
Praying Dangerous Prayers!
The Power of Dangerous Prayers Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~Matthew 17:20 Designed by our maker to be passionate, powerful women, why would we settle Read More
The Value of Painful Growth
“Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning.” ~John Maxwell Join us May 12th, 7:30 PM (PST) Growth defined by the dictionary is a process of developing either physically, mentally Read More
Flight Training
Chester, a down covered Canada goose was given to me shortly after he’d been rescued. We spent hours together weeding and watering the garden. We quickly became a study of each other’s grunts and coos. And like I had done with my children; I began to interpret what each one of his sounds meant. When Read More