Dawn Kinzer- Author/Editor

I met Dawn through our shared love of writing, family, love of Christ and our entrepreneurship passion. You won’t find a more tender-hearted, authentic person than Dawn. She launched her entrepreneur business because she was unfulfilled working for companies where the dollar was more important than people.

“I believe in the power of story. It can comfort, challenge, and inspire.

It can make us laugh, and it can bring us to tears.

It can teach, take us on an adventure, and help us dream.” ~Dawn Kinzer

What draws you to a book? Romance? A handsome hero? A strong heroine?  A tale that enables you to escape or make you sigh?

Although the stories she puts to paper are fictional, they’re about real people with real struggles, with a little bit of humor and romance.

Dawn Kinzer is a freelance editor, and her own work has been published in various devotionals and magazines. Dawn’s historical romance series, The Daughters of Riverton, takes place in the early 1900s. The setting and some of the characters were inspired by her rural Wisconsin hometown. Sarah’s Smile is the first story in the series, Hope’s Design is the second, and Rebecca’s Song completes the trilogy. Her contemporary romance, By All Appearances, is set in the Seattle area where she currently resides. The sequel, A Night Divine, is found exclusively in the boxed set of contemporary romances, Melodies of Christmas Love.
A mother and grandmother, Dawn lives with her husband in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Favorite things include dark chocolate, cinnamon, popcorn, strong coffee, good wine, the mountains, family time, and Masterpiece Theatre.

  • What exactly is your business and what inspired you to start it?

I see myself as having two businesses—writing and editing—but they fall under the same umbrella. I’ve been a freelance editor for ten years. Faithfully Write Editing was launched because I was unfulfilled working for companies where the dollar was more important than people. I’m also pretty independent, and I enjoy being my own boss.

Writing became an important part of my life long before I began editing, and I decided to seriously pursue a career in this field because it filled a creative need. Even more important—I realized that I might have a chance to make a difference. I strongly believe that the written word has the power to change lives.

  • In the ‘COVID-19 season, have you had to make changes to keep your business alive? What have you learned about sustainability?

I have been extremely fortunate during 2020. Since I worked out of a home office prior to our country being hit by COVID-19, my routine has remained the same. I have been kept consistently busy with writing, editing, and marketing.

  • What do you do regularly to take care of yourself?

I keep an ongoing dialogue with God. I strive to eat healthy and exercise on a consistent basis. Spending time in nature helps relieve stress, and precious moments with the grandchildren fills my tank. Watching movies also helps me relax.

  • How do you keep yourself emotionally balanced while you are pushing forward?

Family and friendships are important to me, so I’m diligent in taking time out for both. However, as an introvert, I also need time alone to recharge. Without it, I can feel exhausted and irritable.

Along with that—chatting with God and reminding myself that he’s still in control, even when everything around me feels out of control, helps keep me balanced.

  • What’s the best part and the worst part of your job?

As an editor, the best part is finding ways to improve a client’s manuscript, then seeing them get excited about my ideas. The worst part is feeling mentally drained after a full day of editing.

As a writer, the best part is creating something that touches or inspires people. The worst part is having to conquer various areas of technology in order to publish and market well.

  • What failure taught you the most and what was it?

My first marriage failed and ended in divorce. Although it was the most difficult thing I’ve ever gone through, I learned that I’m a stronger and more resilient person than I believed. Prior to that experience, I’d lived a life without much adversity, and divorce taught me to be even more empathetic of other people’s failures and pain. I came to an intimate understanding of forgiveness—the need to forgive, the need to receive forgiveness, and the importance of forgiving ourselves.

  • What did you have to overcome personally to be able to do what you do?

Creative people sometimes feel threatened by technology. But as an entrepreneur, I must use websites, social media, and a variety of computer programs to keep up with current practices, expand my outreach, and keep connected to what is going on in my field. I’ve refused to let challenging technical issues get in my way. I decided that if other people could survive the learning curve, I could too. But if I struggle too long, I find someone who can help me.

  • If you had advice to give to someone else thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, what would that be?

Before you jump into starting a business—research, learn, and lay a solid foundation. I spent a year learning important business practices, taking classes on editing and honing my skills, and gleaning what other freelance editors had experienced before launching Faithfully Write Editing.

As a writer, I spent years studying my craft, blogging, attending writers conferences, networking with others in the industry, creating a platform, and learning all I could about publishing before releasing my debut novel.

If you’re married, pray together about your decision to become an entrepreneur. When you face challenges, it will be important to have your spouse’s support. I made the decision to independently publish after my husband and I came to an agreement that God was leading us down that path.

  • How can we specifically support you?

One of the best gifts an author can receive is an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, or other book sites. It doesn’t have to be analytical or literary. In a few sentences, share what you enjoyed about the book just as you would with a friend. Reviews make a huge impact on readers searching for their next purchase.

  • Any last parting words?

Don’t underestimate yourself and what you have to offer. You’re stronger, brighter, and more creative than you think!

Dawn Kinzer is a freelance editor, and her own work has been published in various devotionals and magazines. Dawn’s historical romance series, The Daughters of Riverton, takes place in the early 1900s. The setting and some of the characters were inspired by her rural Wisconsin hometown. Sarah’s Smileis the first story in the series, Hope’s Design is the second, and Rebecca’s Song completes the trilogy. Her contemporary romance, By All Appearances, is set in the Seattle area where she currently resides. The sequel, A Night Divine, is found exclusively in the boxed set of contemporary romances, Melodies of Christmas Love.
A mother and grandmother, Dawn lives with her husband in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Favorite things include dark chocolate, cinnamon, popcorn, strong coffee, good wine, the mountains, family time, and Masterpiece Theatre.

WEBSITE: https://www.dawnkinzer.com  and https://www.faithfullywriteediting.com

EMAIL: [email protected]


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dawn.kinzer.9/

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/dkinzer9/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnkinzer/

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