There’s always the dream of being a best selling author who runs off to Tahiti to write while working on a tan, but there’s so much more to life than that for me. I write for the person who at the end of a long day staggers up the front steps, groceries in hand, ushering littles inside after picking up the family pet at the vet, then starts dinner while overseeing homework, laundry and dishes. Later there is a moment where everyone is in bed for the night, the house is quiet and while matching socks, they need a moment to be inspired. 

I love finding unique lessons and life hacks in the little things that often go unnoticed. I’m inspired by underdog wins when human nature gets up one more time. I sob over the unconditional love of a rescued animal and the lessons learned in the dirt of my gardens. Whether I’m working on an inspirational piece, a podcast, a devotional, a lecture or a screenplay, I’m motivated by equipping others and watching them succeed! 

I try to aligne my life with the Biblical verse:

“Let us consider carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds.”

~ Hebrews 10:24 (CEB)


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