Listed below are several topics. Most lectures are geared for 30 minutes to 1 hour time slots, however even the coaching classes (3-9 hours) can be adjusted for shorter time periods. Let’s talk about the needs of your group, audience profile and goals for your meeting and adjust the topic for your desires. Let’s talk Read More


Bio Pamala J Vincent, speaker and author of 21 books, is excited to inspire the next generation of world changers. Her website Dare to be a Badass (https://daretobeabadass.com ) shares current issue lifehacks for women who want to make a difference personally and professionally. Her passion for equiping families at their core level for success Read More

Published Books

Trade Books Dare To Be A Badass Lessons from the Garden 5 book Series: The Real Dirt On Being Happy Seeds of Wisdom for Parents Seeds of Daily Wisdom For the Love of Pets Holi-Dazes Ebooks: Getting the Job for Teens and Rookies How to Get What You Want: Lifehacks for Teens Teen Exit Strategy Read More