Setting Goals that Succeed

“It is good to have an end to journey toward;

but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

Ernest Hemingway

It’s goal setting season, so I thought it would be helpful to point out the pitfalls.

1) No plan is a plan. No goals means you’ll surely hit it.

2) Planning too big or too vague. Not specific enough.

3) Not planning in increments.

4) Not asking God what He wants you to spend your time and energy on.

5) Imitating someone else’s goals rather than goals specific to you.

6) Not planning for success. Start with the end goal and then Break it down to manageable parts.

7) Not considering your season of life, talents, finances, and leaping without a step-by-step plan.

😎 Not trusting Christ for the outcome.

When times are tough, remember you’re not the first person in history to overcome the odds and end up victorious in the end. Noah did it. You can too if you remember these 10 basic principles.

1) We’re All in the Same Boat – ask for help.

In the Hawaiian culture there’s a term called Hele pu Kanua. It means “We go Through it together.” Be good to one another, help each other. You never know when someone else may hold the key to your success or that you may hold there’s.

2) Plan Ahead, plan ahead, plan ahead.

It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. Being a good steward of time, money, relationships now will go a long way to success in the future. Want relationships with adult kids, start building that at birth. Want to feel safe and secure in an emergency, build your emergency plan now.

3) Stay fit – your body has to last you a lifetime!

You never know what you will be called upon to do. If we live to be 100, don’t let the last half of life be a weak, feeble servant. Stay sharp and able. Noah was 600 years old when he built the Ark. One day someone may ask you to do something really big and you’ll need to be physically ready.

4) Don’t Listen to the Critics – There will always be critics.

When God calls you to commit to something and others criticize, remind yourself you serve an audience of one! I’d rather be in good graces with Christ than popular with the naysayers. It’s important to be certain you’ve heard from God rather than just emotions or throwing something out there, so you can stand when others would choose to knock you down. Stick to your guns and get the job done, regardless of what others say.

5) Steady wins the race—Faster isn’t Always Better.

Completing small goals is a sustainable strategy. For example, saying I’m going to declutter the entire house is a long-term goal, but breaking it into a drawer within a room improves the odds, it’ll be completed. Remember, the snails made it to the ark, right alongside the cheetahs.

6) I’ve got your back warriors—friendships, partnerships are vital.

We’re built to interact with people—even we introverts! We learn much about ourselves when we connect with others. Building relationships that we can count on can give perspectives we don’t see. We all need a warrior buddy, someone who will fight back-to-back with us. Find one and hold onto them.

7) Balance Control with Letting-Go-Trust.

If you think you can be in control of everything in your life, the faster you get over these thoughts, the sooner you’ll find a balance. You can’t control everything. Trust that our creator knows our needs, present and future, far better than we do and the sooner we give it up to His control the sooner we’ll land with hinds’ feet in high places.

 The Ark was Built by Amateurs. The Titanic was Built by Professionals.

Just because you don’t have all the experiences in the world doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. When God calls us to a mission, He also equips us with the skills, wisdom, and energy to serve His way. We don’t have to have the highest degrees or be the smartest person in the room to succeed at our purpose. When God calls us, if we remain obedient to His plans, we will be successful. When we drive our success, we set ourselves up for disappointment and burnout.

9) No Matter How Hard the Winter—Spring Always follows.

Trusting in the Lord’s plan is a daily commitment. It’s easy to get off on our own ideas, egos, and plans only to become discouraged. Stay positive, believe in the process, and stay the course.

10) Don’t Miss the Boat.

The animals and Noah’s family exists today because they paid attention to God’s call and acted. There will be many opportunities to talented leaders like yourself, but choose wisely and when one comes along that’s inline with God’s plan for you—DON’T HESITATE!

Is goal setting necessary in life?

Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors, helps guides our focus and helps to sustain momentum. Successful people plan. We can’t manage what isn’t measurable and we can’t improve on something we haven’t acknowledged; we’ll never know when we’re on or off track without a road map.

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

What is goal setting according to the Bible?

Setting clear goals enables us to do “good works”. In Habakkuk 2:2-3 we are asked to write down the goals God shows us; each one has an appointed time and will surely come to pass.

Then the Lord answered me and said, Write a vision, and make it plain upon a tablet
so that a runner can read it.[a]
There is still a vision for the appointed time; it testifies to the end; it does not deceive.[b]

If it delays, wait for it; for it is surely coming; it will not be late. ~Habakkuk 2:2-3 (CEV)

How should Christians set goals?

As Christians, we need to really do a heart-check when setting goals. We need to discern, by the scriptures and through prayer, if we are setting goals to please ourselves, or to bring glory to God.

How can God help you achieve your goals?

When goal setting, always start by acknowledging God first. This can be done through prayer inviting God into your plans and asking him to establish your plans. You can also pray for God to impart his wisdom on your decision making.

Is planning & goal-setting biblical?

James 1:5 – 6
Our planning and goal setting, to be Biblical, must always begin with seeking the wisdom, plan, and face of God. To do otherwise is to plan in our own wisdom, and James says earthly wisdom results only in disorder and evil (James 3:15 – 16). God gives generously to all who ask in faith.

Pick Up Your Sword!

7 Principles of Successful Goal Setting

  • Examining the 7 fundamental principles of Goal Setting successfully.
  • Create a Vision. Start with an overriding vision for your life. …
  • Write it Down. …
  • Categorize Your Goals. …
  • Be Specific. …
  • Break Down into Different Periods of Time. …
  • Think BIG, Focus Small. …
  • Adjust Your Mindset.

How do Christians set spiritual goals?

Here are some samples of spiritual goals you can set for 2023:

  1. Read the entire bible. …
  2. Actively take part in gathering together. …
  3. Make daily prayer a habit. …
  4. Keep a spiritual journal. …
  5. Practice forgiveness. …
  6. Give back. …
  7. Converse with God daily. …
  8. Read encouraging books.

12 Steps to Set and Achieve Any Goal

Here are the 12 steps to set and achieve any goal.

1. Have a Desire: What Do You Really Want?

2. Believe That Your Goal is Achievable

3. Write Your Goal Down

4. Determine Your Starting Point

5. Determine Why You Want It

6. Set a Deadline

7. Identify the Obstacles in Your Way

8. Determine the Additional Knowledge and Skills You Need

9. Determine the People Whose Help You Will Need

10. Make a Plan: Put It All Together

11. Visualize Your Goal Continually

12. Never Give Up

Bringing It All Together

1. Make a list of goals for the next 40 days.

2. Identify your Major Definite Purpose.

1. Read through your list of goals and select the one that answers this question: “What one goal on this list, if I accomplished it, would have the greatest possible impact on my life?”

2. Ask yourself what goals will matter most in 10 years.

3. Is this where I want to spend my energies?

4. Is this in line with my gifting/talents?

5. Is this sustainable?

6. Have no sacred Cows!

40 Day Fast!

When God decided to make big changes in the world, he completed it in 40 days. He called Noah to build an Ark, Noah responded. Once the ark was built, it began to rain. Then it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. For that reason, the pattern for change is 40 days.

Fasting comes in many forms. You can take away or add to commitments in your life. Set 40 day goals in areas of:

1) Time commitments

2) Daily disciplines (spiritual, physical, self-help, etc.)

3) Small daily changes build mountains

4) Relationships

5) Sleep, food

6) Finances

This is a time to evaluate where you’re wasting: time, money, health, projects, relationship, growth, etc.

Apply the 12-step goal-setting process.

1) Now that you have selected a goal that you really want and believe you can achieve it, write your goal on a separate sheet of paper, and set a deadlines.

2) Write out a list of reasons you want to achieve this goal.

3) Identify the obstacles that stand between you and the attainment of this goal.

4) Identify the knowledge and the skills you will need to achieve the goal.

5) Identify the people whose cooperation and support you’ll need.

6) Make a plan to accomplish this goal.

7) Take action on your plan and do something every day that moves you toward your goal.

😎 Visualize your goal continually as if you had already achieved it, and resolve that you will never give up until you are successful.

9) Create or find an accountability group to hold you to your plan. You’ll learn from each other, inspire each other, and you’ll enjoy the process more.

A little knowledge goes a long way, and you can achieve your dreams the smart way.

Dream big, start small.

“Do not become sluggish,

but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”

~Hebrews 6:12