Round Table Oct. 13th 7:30 pm (PST) Zoom Link: Faithful~ What does that mean? What does being full of faith look like? Let’s talk about how to have the kind of faith that moves mountains and maybe identify some of the stumbling blocks we set up in our own way in regards to prayer, Read More
You have one job!
Round Table Discussion for September 29th, 2021 7:30 PM (PST) Zoom link: “There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive. ~Oprah Winfrey Once we know who we are and what our purpose is, decision making Read More
Prayer 101 – The Act of Prayer
“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart with no words than words without a heart.” ~Mahatma Gandhi The Widow’s story: 2Kings 4:1-7 A widow came to Elisha and shared that her husband had unpaid debts Read More
Ways to Pray
“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”~ Mother Teresa Down through the ages prayer has been twisted, formulated, and regulated. Do not make this mistake. Prayer is a conversation with a God that delights in every Read More
The Value of a Good Argument -The Canaanite Woman
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!” ~Maya Angelou The Canaanite Woman Her Story – Matthew 15:21-31 A Canaanite woman hunting down Jesus in the district of Tyre and Sidon. She cried out to him saying, “Have mercy on me, Lord, my daughter is demon possessed.” Jesus did not answer Read More
Facing the Challenges Life Brings – Esther’s Story
Bible study on Wed. night’s at 7 pm (PST) Starts March 3rd. 2021. You all being the special women that you are, are all invited to join if you’re interested. We’ll be studying strong women of the Bible that have something to tell us about how to deal with today’s issues. She faced death, potential Read More
Mary- A Bold Teen!
Know any 12 year olds that could handle the job of Mother of Christ?!! Mary is often depicted as this meek, quiet and obedient woman. She was all these things, but she wasn’t just these things. She was bold, confident, and had a strength of character worth emulating—and she was approximately 12 years old!