The Value of Painful Growth

“Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning.” ~John Maxwell Join us May 12th, 7:30 PM (PST)             Growth defined by the dictionary is a process of developing either physically, mentally Read More

Film Making Tips for Teens

Dream about writing a screenplay and seeing it on the big screen? The movie industry is looking for fresh ideas, current situations, character driven exciting stories that grip audiences and bring new perspectives! Here are some tips to get you started: Sites for Teens: Youth Film Festival

Root-Bound or Opportunity Seeking?

Wilted yellowing leaves are the best indicator that something is wrong. A vibrant plant should be lush and green with good flexibility. But when the roots have filled the container, a plant’s subsequent growth fails to spread outward. The roots grow back into themselves and the plant becomes root-bound. This kind of misguided growth chokes Read More

10 Habits Successful People Do Daily!

We interviewed 100 successful people, here’s what they do each day to move their success forward. They’re Centered. They know that peace comes from within rather than from others or situations. They practice being prepared, scheduling, and focusing on priorities. They set boundaries with what they allow into their lives. They understand the value of Read More